Regulatory watch

11 July 2024

Publication of the Order of 8 July 2024 on water reused in industrial food companies

On 9 July 2024, the decree of 8 July 2024 on water reused for the preparation, processing and conservation of all foodstuffs and goods intended for […]
3 July 2024

2 new amendments to EU Regulation 2023/915

New texts amending EU regulation 2023/915 have just been published in the OJEU. This regulation clarifies certain points in Annex I: T2-HT2 : The limit of […]
30 May 2024

5 new regulations amending the MRLs for several pesticides

New texts amending Regulation EC 396/2005 have just been published in the OJEU. MRLs for apples and pears have been reduced. They are reduced from 3 […]
26 April 2024

Annual Pesticides Report EFSA 2022

EFSA has just published its report for 2022 on pesticide residues in food. Results of monitoring programmes (EU multi-annual coordinated monitoring programme (MACP) + national programmes) […]
17 April 2024

Changes to MRLs – Regulations 2024/1076, 2024/1077 and 2024/1078

Three new regulations amending MRLs have just been published by the European Commission: Azoxystrobin The MRL for hops has been increased from 30 to 40mg/kg. Flonicamide […]
11 April 2024

4 new amendments to regulation 2023/915

Four new amendments to regulation 2023/915 on contaminants have just been published. The maximum perchlorate content in unshelled beans has been increased from 0.05 mg/kg to […]
4 April 2024

EU Pesticides Control Programme 2025, 2026 and 2027

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/989 concerning a coordinated multiannual Union control programme for 2025, 2026 and 2027 to ensure compliance with maximum levels of pesticide residues in […]
2 April 2024

New recommendations for nickel

The European Commission has published recommendation 2024/907 on the monitoring of nickel in foodstuffs. Nickel is present in foodstuffs and may be of natural or man-made […]
11 March 2024

EFSA 2022 report on veterinary residues and other substances.

EFSA has published its report on the results of the 2022 monitoring of residues of veterinary medicinal products and unauthorised substances in live animals and animal […]