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EFSA has published its report on the results of the 2022 monitoring of residues of veterinary medicinal products and unauthorised substances in live animals and animal products.
A total of 600,320 samples were checked by the Member States, Iceland and Norway. The non-compliance rate for 2022 was 0.18%, a result comparable with the last 13 years. In 2021, the non-compliance rate was 0.17%.
The presence of unauthorised substances and veterinary drug residues in food is a risk factor for public health.
Three main European texts govern the rules applicable to veterinary residues and prohibited substances:
- Regulation (EU) N°37/2010 sets maximum limits for residues of veterinary medicinal products in food-producing animals and products of animal origin.
- Regulation 396/2005 sets maximum residue limits for pesticides in food and feed of plant and animal origin.
- Directive 96/23/EC lays down measures for the monitoring of certain substances and residues thereof, mainly veterinary medicinal products, in live animals and animal products.
The following products will be analysed in 2022: cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, poultry, rabbits, farmed game, game, aquaculture, milk, eggs and honey.
For Group A :
- No non-compliant samples were reported for stilbenes and their derivatives (A1)
- For antithyroid agents (A2), 0.2% of samples were non-compliant for thiouracil and 2-methylthiouracil.
- In the steroid group (A3), 0.31% of samples were judged to be non-compliant. Non-compliances were found in cattle (0.28%), pigs (0.22%), poultry (0.40%) and sheep and goats (2.32%).
- In the group of resorcylic acid lactones (A4), 0.09% of samples were non-compliant. Non-compliant samples were found in cattle (0.14%), horses (0.82%) and pigs (0.07%).
- With regard to beta-agonists (A5), 6 non-compliant samples were reported, for clenbuterol, sulbatamol and ractopamine found in cattle.
- Prohibited substances (A6) were found in 0.02% of samples. The substances identified were chloramphenicol, semicarbazide, metronidazole, furaltadone and nitrofurazone.
For Group B :
- For antibacterials (B1), 0.14% of samples were non-compliant. The highest frequency of non-compliant samples for antibacterials was observed in honey (1.44%).
- In group B2 (other veterinary medicines), the highest proportion of non-compliant samples was found for NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) (0.19%). Non-compliant samples were reported for the different species as follows: 0.30% for cattle, 1.15% for equidae, 0.05% for pigs, 0.33% for milk and 0.17% for sheep and goats.
- In group B3 (other substances and environmental contaminants), copper, cadmium, total mercury, lead and zinc had the highest overall percentage of non-compliant samples (2.74%).
Non-compliant samples were reported for organochlorine compounds (0.18%) and organophosphorus compounds (0.01%).
For mycotoxins, non-compliant samples were reported for cattle (0.50%), horses (1.49%), milk (0.54%), pigs (0.23%) and poultry (0.06%), the substances identified being zearalenone, aflatoxin M1, ochratoxin A and aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2).
For dyes, non-compliant samples were reported for aquaculture (1.15%). The substances found were the sum of crystal violet and leucocristal violet, the sum of malachite green and leucomalachite green and the sum of brilliant green and leucobrillant green.
For ‘other substances’, non-compliant samples were reported for aquaculture (0.21%), cattle (1.51%), wild game (20%), honey (1.94%), poultry (0.30%) and sheep and goats (0.48%). The substances identified were copper compounds, mercury compounds, acetamiprid and sulphites.
Phytocontrol laboratory can help you detect and quantify a wide list of medicinal residues, including chloramphenicol, under COFRAC accreditation.
You can consult our COFRAC technical appendices N°1-6066 and N°1-6634 available in your customer area or on the COFRAC website.
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